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Avinaashee prabhu shree raam laal jee mahaaraaj

ज्ञानशक्तिसमारूढं तत्वमालविभूषितम
भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदातारं तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः

(Adorned with the rosary element rosary on the power of knowledge, it is a greeting to those Sri Gurudevs who have given enjoyment and salvation.)

Yoga has been present in India since time immemorial. This learning has been propagated by many sages and monks. In the middle, it is often disappearing, but to revive it again, the scholars of this discipline have been incarnated on this earth, whose efforts kept the flame burning. Cultivating only one birth is not enough to become a yogi. If we look at the accounts of all the great yogis who have become great men, then it becomes known that through many births, hard work, spiritual practice, the seeker ascends the welfare path. One such great yogi became famous in this land of India in the nineteenth century as Lord Ram Lal Ji Maharaj.

He was born in the holy city of Amritsar on the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami in the year 1888. Your venerable father was Mr. Ganda Ram and mother was Mrs. Bhagyavanti. Your father was a proud Pandit and a famous astrologer. Seeing your horoscope, you understood that instead of being an ordinary child, a divine soul has embodied in his home by wearing a body. Evidence of this started coming from his childhood. He was only three to four years old when an elderly woman from Amritsar directly realized that his Gurudev had come to the house of Pandit Ganda Ram Ji, wearing a new body. She wanted to see her Gurudev before leaving her body. So he ordered his sons to immediately bring my Gurudev from Panditji's house so that I could see him. He immediately reached the house of Pandit Gandaram ji and after utmost humility brought the child (Prabhu Ram Lal Ji Maharaj ji) to his house. On seeing the old age, he fell at the feet of his Gurudev and gave up his body with great pleasure. Your father's desire was to make you a scholarly astrologer. For this, he sent him to the learned scholar Pandit for education, who also knew astrology. People used to come to him to know his future. One day when he went somewhere, only Lord Ram Lal Ji was present there. Seeing the horoscope of the people who came there, he got the knowledge of the exact past and future. People were very impressed with him because every incident mentioned by him turned out well. When Guru ji saw his popularity rising among the people, he himself installed him on his throne. In this way, time was passing, but his mind was wandering somewhere else. He had the melody of attainment of Gurudev. It is said that just as the disciples wish Gurudev, Gurudev also finds his worthy disciples. Knowing the fervent desire of Lord Rama Lal Ji, the cave of Nepal Himalaya which remains covered with snow for twelve months, the Sadashiv Mahatma, who is sitting there in twenty-four hours of samadhi, attracted him to Nepal Dham. On reaching there, he saw his Gurudev for the first time. His navel reaching the navel mandala, shave long, the bruise hanging on his eyes and supernatural fast on the face of the mouth. Lord Shri Ram Lal Ji Maharaj blessed his Gurudev's immense service there, which pleased him and got his eighty-four done in a moment. Now Lord Ram Lal Ji Maharaj was a divine soul free from all kinds of karma bonds. His Gurudev now sent him back to this land for the welfare of his life. there was complete power. He came here and sided with many people.

Ram Rati Deliverance
There was an evil woman named Ram Rati on Jamunia Dhar. Unhappy with that, his parents were thinking of killing him. Incidentally she came in sight of Lord Ram Lal Ji Maharaj. He taught her yoga, which transformed her into an excellent goddess and was worshiped by all the villages. She started fulfilling everyone's wish by becoming a supreme elf. The people of the village loved him very much. Although Lord Shri Ram Lal Ji Maharaj wanted to send him to the Himalayas to attain a more advanced stage, but this could not happen with the love of the people there. Prabhu Ram Lal Ji Maharaj resided in Sawai village for some time. There they built a cave. This raw mud cave is today known as "Sri Siddha Cave" and is currently being operated under the auspices of Yogi Dr. Das Lal Ji Maharaj. Every year thousands of people come here to fulfill their wishes on the occasion of Lord Ram Lal Ji Maharaj's birthday, Ram Navami. Whatever wish comes here, its wish is definitely fulfilled. Shri Prabhu Ji fulfilled the wishes of the people of Sawai village in many ways. People knew him only in the name of Baba Ji. After some time Shri Prabhu Ji felt like leaving this cave. When the people came to know about this, they locked out of the spring and put themselves in the cot at the entrance of the cave and slept. When does a yogi stop anyone. Prabhu ji went out very minutely. On the way, he appeared to many people who came and told that they had seen the Lord going through the sky. Prabhu ji was not there when people saw the lock open. People felt very sad. Prabhu Ji told him that he would meet again by All India Radio. Identify if you can identify. After this, after some time Prabhu ji came to Amritsar and started the work of propagating yoga from there. He established Amritsar, Chaharta and Rishikesh ashrams. Thousands of people have benefited by getting education of yoga practice, yoga asanas etc. in these ashrams. He had many disciples who took initiation from Lord Ram Lal Ji Maharaj and started the Yogic path and progressed through the Yog. Prabhu Shri Ram Lal Ji Maharaj resolved the physical, temporal, divine and spiritual difficulties of the people. He also donated life to many. Prabhu ji gave up body in Amritsar in the year 1938. Many miracles happened on his death as well. On the one hand, his disciples were sitting on his soulless body in Amritsar, on the other hand Prabhu ji kept meeting many people in a big way. One was his family brother with whom he also had a meal and sent a message to his disciples that he would meet his disciples again. When his brother reached Amritsar, he saw that Lord Nirman was lying there among his disciples. He was very surprised. When he told Prabhu ji and told his message, all the people were surprised. Who can know the maya of yogis? In the words of Goswami Tulsidas ji, "So Jaanat tum dehi janaai". The description of the divine pastimes of Prabhu ji is elaborated in the book "Divine Life Darshan" written by his very dear disciple Yogiraj Anant Shri Chandar Mohan Ji Maharaj.