About Ashram

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SHREE Siddha Gufa Sawai Dham

shri siddha gufa became a famous yoga training center in the previous century. before you know the history of this place it is necessary to know about the great mahayogi of the modren era. his name is yog Yogeshwar Prabhu Shree Ram Lal Ji Maharaj. His name is well known among the yogis of this era. He ever remains free from the bondage of birth and death. Having seen the human being striving to free himself from the threefold tortures of the world, he assumes many forms in the different places at one time. And shows the right path of yoga to the seekers of the truth. Yoga is the devine path to immortality. yoga according to Lord Krishana is the immortal wisdom. Whosoever embraces this divine path gets immortality. Lord Krishana imparted this immortla wisdom to Arjun. Prabhuji is the greatest of the great and the purest of the pure. He is the undying father of all human beings. his devotees concentrate there minds and remember him in the state of super-consciousness.

Prabhuji always exists and shall exist forever-the eternal being. he is illuminating every form and the controller of all that is going on in the universe he always dwells in the hearts of his devotees. He draws his deserving ones into the circle of his infinite grace and love. Those who feel the holy presesnce in their hearts with purified mind become immortal. He animates every living being. He becoms a source of unfailing strength and zeal for his worshippers. Prabhuji dispels darkness from the hearts fo his devotees. His holiness Prabhu Ram Lal Ji Maharaj assumed human form in 1888 in the holy city of Amritsar in Punjab. His father Pandit Ganga Ram Ji was renowned astrologer. It was the auspicious day of Ram navemi when Prabhu ji came on earth. In the days of Prabhuji's childhood many extraordinary miraculous powers were seen in him. All his near and dears relatives Knew him to be a great Yogi. At the early age of 15, he left his abode. First of all he began study sanskrit at Kurukshetra and then, Haridwar at Kankhal. From there he went to see the places of piligrimages. visiting many holy places, he reached a village named Swai in Agra. There a religious-minded man named Shree Pyera Lal became his devotee. He had utmost reverence and faith in him . while living in Swai, people realized his divine power. Prabhuji's holy presence blessed Pyare Lal and his family. At all time he remained thrilled with joy because he had such great Yogeshwar as his escort. Many people in the village became his disciples. They totally took refuge in him . then the devotees got their desires fulfilled. Prabhuji showered his blessings on all the devotees. He desired to go to Himalayas. It was unbearable for the devotees to depart from their beloved Gurudev. They formed a cave for his uniterrupted meditation. All the devotees felt joy at this . Lala Pyare Lal made a tank where Prabhuji would take bath daily. He transmitted his spiritual power in it and gave a boon that the skin diseased and jointache patients will get rid of their ailments. Prabhuji named this tank Amrit Kund a tank full of nector. One day some devotees went to have darshan of Prabhuji at Siddh Gufa . There they saw Prabhuji appear in a form of Lord Mahadev.

A lion skin was around his waist and long hair hanging down up to his knees . Hundred of serpants were moving around his body. Seeing this form of him the devotees were awestruck. They intended to go back to their houses. Shree Prabhuji called them affectionately near him and said "don't be scared of these snakes. They are your brethren. They won't harm you anyways. but remember, don't come to me very early morning in future". The villagers determined that Prabhuji was a great Sidh Yogi. They by an act of remembrance and utmost faith built a personal relationship with him who became source of unfailing strength and courage in their life. They devoted more and more in the prayer and meditation. They felt more nearness and offered their actions to him with love. Many times they requested to show miracles for them. Prabhuji always said, " Chant the holy name of God you will realize miracles yourselves". But they always insisted miracles. One day Prabhuji asked them to close their eyes. They did so, then Prabhuji asked them to open their eyes. They opened their eyes but could not see nothing. They could neither hear any word nor had the sense of touch. Sense of heat and cold was away from them. there was darkness prevailing all around. They were unconscious of time and space. They realized as if they were getting down and down continously. No support they were finding where they could stand. They felt that they had committed an offence by insisting to show miracles for them. They saw upward where hundreds of serpents were seen coming down as if they wanted to swallow them all. With concentrated mind they started chanting the holy name of Prabhuji. The next moment Prabhuji asked them to open their eyes. They opened their eyes and came to senses. They were completely wet with perspiration. Silently they prostrated to Prabhuji and went to their homes.
to be continued .........


गुरू ब्रह्मा गुरू विष्णु, गुरु देवो महेश्वरा गुरु साक्षात परब्रह्म, तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नम: अर्थात गुरु ही ब्रह्मा है, गुरु ही विष्णु है और गुरु ही भगवान शंकर है। गुरु ही साक्षात परब्रह्म है।

🙏ऐसे गुरु को मैं प्रणाम करता हूं।🙏

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अज्ञानतिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानाञ्जनशलाकया। चक्षुरून्मीलितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरुवे नमः।। अर्थात जिसने ज्ञान रुपी अंजन की सलाई से अज्ञान रुपी अँधेरे से अंधी आँखों को खोल दिया है उन श्री गुरुदेव को नमस्कार है।

🙏 ऐसे गुरु को मैं प्रणाम करता हूं। 🙏

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अखण्डमण्डलाकारं व्याप्तं येन चराचरम। ततपदं दर्शितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरुवे नमः।। अर्थात जिसने अखंड मंडलाकार चराचर को व्याप्त कर रखा है उस पद को जिसने दिखला दिया है उन श्रीगुरुदेव को नमस्कार है।

🙏ऐसे गुरु को मैं प्रणाम करता हूं।🙏

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